Caring for Galveston Bay in a Safe Way
Caring for Galveston Bay in a Safe Way
Galveston Bay Foundation
Each year, the Galveston Bay Foundation hosts many hands-on learning and volunteer events to get
communities more connected to the vital Galveston Bay estuary.
Galveston Bay is the seventh largest estuary in the United States, supporting large fishing and shipping industries, nature tourism, outdoor recreational activities and more.
Students and volunteers from the Greater Houston area and beyond join our environmental educators and project coordinators in meaningful, impactful activities to better understand and appreciate the Galveston Bay ecosystem, help restore lost marsh and oyster reef habitat, and remove marine debris from Bay shorelines.
Even with an active global pandemic, Galveston Bay still needs the help and support of volunteers and students to be a healthy and productive place for generations to come.
Trash continues to wash in on bay shorelines, unprotected shorelines continue to erode away, and the health of the water and wildlife still must be monitored.
For those who are still able to participate in Galveston Bay learning and volunteer activities, their health and safety is also more important than ever now.
With added health safety protocols and supplies in place thanks to the Citgo Caring for our Coasts grant and Restore America’s Estuaries, we were able to continue hosting student and volunteer activities and keep the important work of preserving and enhancing Galveston Bay going.
Participating communities have been eager to learn and volunteer and are grateful for the safe opportunities we were able to provide in pandemic times.
The issues that our local environment faces continue, thus our work to protect Galveston Bay must continue… and we’ll adjust to any challenges we may face along the way.
Galveston Bay Foundation is a conservation nonprofit that has served as guardian of Galveston Bay since 1987. Our mission is to preserve and enhance Galveston Bay as a healthy and productive place for generations to come. We work to facilitate a true cross-section of Bay interests through creative, inclusive and forward-thinking solutions to the challenges confronting Galveston Bay.