Caring for our Coast Gulf Region Grant Program

Restore America’s Estuaries is excited to partner with CITGO to facilitate the Caring for our Coast grants to organizations and groups hosting locally-based volunteer events in the Gulf of Mexico region. These grants are intended to provide coastal groups with funding to host beach clean-ups, estuary restoration, or other educational/outreach events.

The 2024 Caring For Our Coast Grant Request for Proposals (RFP) is now closed. If you are interested in being added to the contact list for next year’s grant, please contact Lance Speidell.


  • Applicants must be a non-profit, government entity, or community organization with an annual operating budget of under $10 million dollars.  
  • Funded project must be located in the Gulf of Mexico region.
  • Funded projects must take place between February 1 – August 23, 2024

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Potential for this funding to increase event capacity
  • Expected impact of the event on local communities and ecosystems
  • Demonstration of community engagement and outreach
  • Funding need
  • Special Consideration will be given to high-ranking proposals from diverse groups, or events in partnership with diverse groups, that have traditionally been under-engaged with coastal conservation efforts or are new to competitive grant funding

For more information on this program, or to be added to our contact list for future gulf coast opportunities, please email

In 2022, with the help of Citgo, this program awarded $30,000 to nine organizations. More than 1,500 volunteers donated 5,200 hours of time at 39 different events. They restored or preserved 20 acres, planted 4,776 native trees and plants, and collected 23,737 lbs of trash along 362 miles of shoreline.