RAE Awards More than $570,000 to Estuary Restoration Projects through NEP Coastal Watersheds Grant
On behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) has facilitated the funding of $574,000 to two coastal organizations to improve water quality and restore critical coastal habitat. 2021 is the second year RAE administered the Coastal Watersheds Grant Program. The program received requests for over $15 million in this round of competition.
“We are thrilled with the quality of proposals we received. The chosen projects range in size, scale, and location, demonstrating yet again the need for creative, passionate, and technically-grounded projects to address the challenges facing our estuaries and the communities that rely on them,” said Suzanne Simon, NEP Coastal Watersheds Grant Program Director for RAE. “We look forward to working with these subawardees and to get another round of excellent proposals next year.”
Representatives Chellie Pingree (ME-01) and Kurt Schrader (OR-05) joined the virtual announcement to pass on their congratulations alongside Bob Benson, EPA Acting Chief of the Partnership Programs Branch, Office of Water.
The National Estuary Program (NEP) was established in 1987 through the Clean Water Act dedicated to protecting and restoring water quality and ecological integrity of 28 estuaries across the country. The NEP is managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The NEP Coastal Watersheds Grant Program is a nationally competitive program designed to support projects within designated estuaries to tackle urgent challenging issues threatening the well-being of coastal ecosystems.
A recording of this year’s announcement will be available on Restore America’s Estuaries YouTube channel in the coming days. RAE applauds this year’s grant recipients and we look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition.
List of Awardees
- Sitka Sedge Tidal Wetland Project – Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, OR – $99,000
- Testing Marine-based Strategies for Reducing Impact of Nutrient Pollution in Casco Bay, Maine – University of Southern Maine, ME – $250,000