Media Mentions

Whitehouse and Cartwright Reintroduce Bill to Create National Strategy to Protect America’s Natural Resources from the Climate Crisis

July 24, 2024 - Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA) reintroduced a bicameral bill to protect America’s natural resources and wildlife...

NOAA Partners Create Jobs, Train Future Leaders to Advance Habitat Restoration Across the Country

July 22, 2024 - Restore America’s Estuaries is coordinating with partners across the Gulf of Mexico to expand oyster recycling efforts and restore oyster reef habitat.

Nanticoke Tribe and CIB unite for Thompson Island restoration

July 17, 2024 - In a historic gathering, members of the Nanticoke Tribe joined with Delaware Center for the Inland Bays staff June 13 to inaugurate plans for a restoration project taking root at Thompson Island.

$5m worth of oysters wiped out after fresh rainwater overwhelms their Texas home

June 12, 2024 - The oyster industry in Texas was dealt a massive blow after weeks of storms in Houston caused a near-collapse of the mollusk population in Galveston bay and millions in losses for local businesses.

Pearl of a program: Tampa Bay Watch repurposes shucked oyster shells to restore the shore

June 5, 2024 - Shucked shells are helping restore water quality and important oyster reef habitats in Tampa Bay...

Hundreds More Lobster Traps Removed From Massachusetts Island

May 30, 2024- The Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) Marine Debris and Plastics Program was awarded a two-year SNEP Watershed Implementation Grant to locate, remove and properly dispose of lost fishing gear...

Restore America's Estuaries Announces Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund Subawardees

May 8, 2024 - Restore America's Estuaries (RAE) is pleased to announce subawardees for the Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund (LISCIF)...

Why recycling oyster shells is important + how a $5M grant will help those efforts

March 15 2024 - Five million dollars. That’s how much extra funding oyster conservation groups here on the Gulf Coast just received from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...

Gulf Coast: Oyster Shell Recycling Key to Sustainable Seafood and Coastal Protection

March 6, 2024 - Sitting in one of New Orleans’ popular seafood restaurants, you wouldn’t know that oysters from the Gulf Coast are in trouble...

CRCL to Join Gulf Oyster Recycling and Reef Restoration Network

April 18, 2023 - The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, which operates one of the largest shell recycling programs in the nation, has received federal funding...

The Economic Value of America's Estuaries

December 9, 2021 - Estuaries have always been an essential feature of the economy. “The Economic Value of America’s Estuaries,” written by the Center for the Blue Economy and TBD Economics LLC...