When Normal is Exciting
The idea of normal often seems underwhelming, mundane, and unimpressive. After a year of Covid-19 seclusion, though, getting back to normal is quite exciting! This past weekend we invited non-family members to a birthday celebration, I shook hands with a stranger, and plan on going to an in-person graduation next week.
After my first year at RAE and meeting so many of you either from the other side of the screen or the other side of a mask, I am looking forward to actually meeting you the old-fashioned way with a handshake and smile. With almost half the US vaccinated and vaccines readily available, RAE is finally moving back to face-to-face events.
Coming up first is our Living Shorelines Technical Transfer Workshop in Cape May, NJ, October 19 to 20. The Workshop will feature opportunities to engage with, learn from, and present to restoration professionals from across the country. We hope you’ll consider joining us.
We are also excited that we can keep up the tradition of having field visits to see the work of our local member American Littoral Society and our event co-hosts the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, US Fish and Wildlife, as well as our sponsor NOAA.
Registration for the event will open by July 7. If you are interested in joining our sponsors such as the Island Foundation, SumCo Eco-Contracting, and the Choose Clean Water Coalition, please reach out to Lance Speidell at lspeidell@estuaries.org.
We are also pleased to announce the 2022 National Coastal & Estuarine Summit will be held in New Orleans December 4 to 8, 2022. We are working with our local member, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, to put on an inspiring and informative week of informational workshops, field visits and networking opportunities; to get to know one another and the Big Easy.
We are appreciative of the early commitment of NOAA to support the 2022 RAE Summit. Keep an eye out for the formation of the program committee in early 2022 and opportunities to submit proposal ideas – we can’t do this without you.
RAE is not giving up on virtual, however. We will continue to produce its online webinar series and look for ways to include remote participation at events to increase our reach and improve inclusion.
This Fall we will also launch a series of online working sessions as part of our Inclusive Coast Initiative. One of the most beneficial things we learned from 2020 is that the virtual format help us reach new audiences that may not have accessibility to participate, be it logistically or financially.
In addition to events, I look forward to seeing you out and about enjoy our Nation’s great open spaces.
Daniel Hayden
President and CEO
Restore America’s Estuaries